Passion for Corned Beef

If I had known the passions that Corned Beef raises in this town, I might not have started. Today, for example, I asked a few coworkers for suggestions on where I might find a good Corned Beef Sandwich. I needn’t have asked—”Slyman’s”, they all replied. “But what about around here?” (Public Square), I asked. And so ensued a lively debate.

A few weeks back I was taking pictures of the Sportsman’s Restaurant (Established 1947) on St. Clair. A woman accosted me and asked me what I was doing. I explained my strange hobby and she turned ferocious: “They really do serve the Best Corned Beef in Cleveland there!” Well, I would try them and see how they rated, I replied. “No, you don’t understand, they really do serve the best!” she reiterated.

There are so many places that claim to serve the best! Yesterday evening in Cleveland Heights, I found a small restaurant on Noble Road that claims to serve “Cleveland’s Finest ‘Hot’ Corned Beef”. I imagine there’s a company out there churning out these signs since they seem fairly common. Perhaps I’ll get a closeup of one and we can figure out where they’re coming from.

Maybe I’ll even figure out how to obtain one of my own. Maybe we’ll find a giant conglomerate with a near monopoly on the regional Corned Beef distribution.

Maybe I’ll just gain a pound or two in the process.

Later this afternoon in the office I was asked what I liked about Corned Beef. I explained a bit of what I was looking for. And, in exchange, was treated to this individual’s passion for the subject. He likes it crumbly. No fat to keep it all together. Definitely crumbly.

I have since asked him to be a guest writer on this site. Of course, his passion will be different than mine. But he displayed a passion for Corned Beef, nonetheless.