An Invitation to Write for Best Corned Beef in Cleveland

I occasionally hear from people who want to know if I accept guest posts (I do!) on Best Corned Beef in Cleveland (and I certainly ask a fair amount of people to post). Here are the guidelines in case you’re interested.

Things to cover

Who: You (and your friends)
What: 200-500 words on your Corned Beef sandwich experience
Where: Cleveland-area
When: Within a day or two of eating your sandwich
Why: Because you like Corned Beef

Oh, and if at all possible, please include a picture or two!


Your review should include where you got it, what was on it, if you liked it or not, some mention of the restaurant, etc., links if available, address, etc., anything funny or unusual about the sandwich or the restaurant, etc. If you can include your personal “style” of sandwich (aka, the way you like to eat it), that would be excellent.

  • You shouldn’t receive free food, discounts or payments in exchange for your review.
  • I prefer that your post be original and that it hasn’t been published before on the Internet.
  • If you’d like to post it on your own blog, please wait 30-45 days to do so.
  • Please include a byline which can link to your personal site and/or your email.

How do I submit my guest post?

If you have a post that meets the guidelines and instructions above, please send it to me at [email protected]. Please include the post in the body of your email or as a Word/HTML attachment.

I usually will reply within a day or two stating if (and when) we will publish your post. If I reject it, I usually explain why and you can resubmit or you are obviously free to publish it to your own blog, etc.