I was 7/8ths done with my Corned Beef before I thought to grab a snapshot of it.
I must have been hungry.
I was 7/8ths done with my Corned Beef before I thought to grab a snapshot of it.
I must have been hungry.
The Cleveland History pages of the Plain Dealer posted an article recently pondering the question of which sandwich tastes like Northeast Ohio. Hmm…
They include a poll to track readers’ answers and some form of Corned Beef is currently taking over 50% of the votes!
Frankly, I’m not surprised.
(You can take the poll here.)
A friend described something recently that I thought applied to our quest for great Corned Beef:
A really great Corned Beef sandwich exceeds your ability to anticipate the flavor, texture and delight being revealed in the next bite.
Each bite, while still familiar, is a first bite. That’s a great Corned Beef sandwich.
What’s your definition?
I was out and about today, first in Tremont, then downtown and finally a lunch-time event on the west bank of the Flats. The Meetup page for this event was screwed up and I thought I was saving money by bringing my own lunch, but alas, that wasn’t the case.
In any event, I took advantage of being downtown to call up Ontario Street Cafe and order a Corned Beef on rye with mustard and swiss cheese, chips and a pickle for eight bucks even (a little steep).
When I arrived, Carl (he spells it with a “C”) remembered me, thanked me for remembering them and packaged an awesome sandwich for me to take to my meeting.
When I arrived, I sat next to a fellow who commented that since he was downtown, he’d have to stop by Slyman’s for a Corned Beef sandwich before heading back to the eastside.
Now how could I let that sort of a comment go?!! So I asked him how he likes Corned Beef and he tells me. I ask him about lean and crumbly and swiss cheese and what type of mustard, etc.
By his answers, I could tell we were kindred spirits of sorts.
When I proceeded to open my bag and pull out what he had just described as a perfect sandwich, I thought he might jump me and take away my lunch.
But he resisted.
So of course, after the meeting ended I scribbled “Need Sandwich Writers” on the back of one of my Best Corned Beef in Cleveland dot com cards and handed it to him.
He’s going to think about it. Maybe we’ll see his name on these pages soon.
And who is Carl? He’s the guy at Ontario Street Deli who makes these awesome sandwiches. Drop by and tell him I sent you.
Note: As of late 2019, Ontario Street Cafe has closed.
I haven’t had any amazing Corned Beef recently and I’ve been wondering if that’s because of serving size. And bread. And temperature. But mostly serving size.
Yes, the quality of Corned Beef makes a difference, I won’t argue with you there. And the leanness also impacts one’s joy.
But more than that, I don’t think it’s possible to have truly “Best” Corned Beef by sampling a few slices.
Somewhere between a quarter pound and a half pound is where the bliss lies.
Oh, and it must also be:
I’ll let you know if I have any revelations surrounding mustard.
We had an errand to St. Clair this week to the West Marine there for fresh flares since ours expire this month and we intend to do some Lake Erie sailing.
For some silly reason, I’d never figured out just how close that store is to Danny’s Deli. It was too early for a sit-down lunch, but it wasn’t too early for a take-out lunch and so I asked my entourage (never run errands without your children) what they thought. I have an adventurous three year-old and a bold seven year-old and so of course the answer was yes.
I called to make certain they were open and we walked the two-thirds of a block and crossed the street.
We ordered a pound of Corned Beef, cookies for three, paid for our purchases and headed back West Marine where we left the car.
I’m not sure who was more excited, but perhaps the children were.
We stopped at the grocery store on the way home to get some Deli Rye, then scooted the rest of the way in anticipation. Imagine my surprise when the other three, who were running late, were still at home! (Translation: We’d have to share. With three others.)
I never did get any pictures taken. That pound fed all six of us and the only things left were a couple of pickles.
I guess I’ll just have to get two pounds next time!
Bridget Callahan blogs about many interesting things and recently snapped a picture of left-over Corned Beef in some walk-in refrigerator on East 4th Street (presumably) where her boyfriend works. Given that we’re in the aftermath of St. Patrick’s Day, the scene makes sense.
I encourage you to read her post; she makes some astute observations about what East 4th Street (one of my favorite lunch and coffee locations) has become.
My favorite Corned Beef logo sign in this city is easily the neon one on the corner of East 36th and Euclid gracing what was once Hatton’s Deli.
Stimulated by this sign, I contacted Julie Cajigas of Inspired Copy & Communications who put me in touch with Alex Cantrell. I think we only went through one or two iterations before I got exactly what I wanted.
I mean, just look at that sandwich! Do you see how the bread fairly follows the contours of that mound of Corned Beef? And all that dripping savory goodness?
And of course the lettering reminds me of the neon sign.
So everything comes together in this logo just the way that I wanted it! Thanks, Alex!